Can the Trailer go the Distance?

Can Rocky go the Distance?

As a film critic, I am introduced to countless films in which I am to dissect and pick out which ones make the cut. This is no easy task as minute details make certain films greater in quality than others. Today I am taking the time to write about “Rocky” released in 1976 by director, John G. Avildsen. More specifically, I am centering in on the movie trailer. This sports drama film is introduced with a 3 minute 39 second trailer separated in 5 increments of story pieces. I believe this to be too long of a trailer for a movie as it gives away too many details concerning the plot. The first increment was a short story of Rocky’s life and the second was about his relationship with a girl named Adrian. These two pieces of the trailer alone took 1 minute and 28 seconds to accomplish. That was too long of a storyline before the trailer revealed the rising action in the movie. If I were to make any adjustment to this trailer, the first two increments would be shortened up or even rid of completely. They simply were not necessary in the goal to grab my attention or make me want to watch more. I think incorporating a voiceover element to the Rocky trailer like the trailer of Miracle, another sports drama movie, would add to the suspense and anticipation to find out if he goes the distance or not. I also think that a voiceover would better introduce Rocky’s background better in a stronger straight to the point method.

 I will, however, give the trailer a complement on the design and the font chosen to separate the increments in the trailer. As each increment of the trailer ends, a black screen with “ROCKY” written in big letters slides from right to left. This element was clever as it reflects the signs in a boxing match displaying which round is next. A small detail such as this stood out immensely to me which brought me on board with the idea of breaking up the trailer in this way. Another element of the film’s great use of media and design was the music chosen to introduce a new element of the movie. The use of appropriate soft, medium, loud, and fast music made this trailer full of heart, suspense, and adrenaline. Not only was the pace of the music used to its full potential, but the instruments that played the music were perfectly placed as well. For example, an electric guitar was used in the scenes of Rocky training for the fight which initiated intense feelings of excitement in me. A soft xylophone was used in a heartwarming scene that amplified the emotions of the moment. I am thoroughly impressed with this aspect of the trailer.

Another complement that I have for this film’s trailer is the plot in which the movie follows. As the third increment of the trailer appears, the audience is introduced to the opponent that Rocky must take on. It is made known that Rocky is overwhelmingly the underdog as he must take on the heavyweight champion of the world. I am impressed with the trailer’s ability to give the audience a glimpse of how Rocky was overlooked and not truly respected as a boxer until he got the opportunity to take on a fighter like Apollo Creed. His coach even overlooked him until he was given a once in a lifetime chance. This film is clearly directed towards the audience of an underdog as Rocky was a no name fighter before his public debut as Apollo’s opponent. A scene that acts as a powerful influence over its intended audience is the clip of Rocky talking to Adrian about wanting to go the distance with Creed to prove that he’s not just another bum from the neighborhood. I was struck by the timeliness of this clip as it was shown after a vulnerable moment for Rocky. It is evident that the director took an inspirational stance when putting together this trailer because right after Rocky was seen speaking in a vulnerable tone, the scene instantly moved along to a clip of him training intensely for the fight of a he desired to win.

Another element that I feel this trailer succeeds in accomplishing is the purpose for which it was made. Rocky takes on the role of an underdog competing to go the distance with a fighter who appears to be extraordinary. Rocky’s purpose in the movie is to prove to the crowd that when given a chance at something great, an underdog can rise to the occasion and compete with the elite. I feel that after watching this trailer, audience members will be inspired to take on a challenge that they believe to be of a level above themselves. Although the trailer never reveals if Rocky did in fact beat apollo in the fight, the scenes leading up to the fight make the audience believe that Rocky can do it. This made me want to watch more.

At the end of this trailer, I was on Rocky’s side, hoping that he would come out victorious in the boxing match. I was not a fan of the first minute of the trailer due to the excess information that I felt was not needed. I did, however, enjoy the end portion of the trailer as it highlighted major points associated with the movie and created an intense feeling of suspense about whether Rocky defeated Apollo or not. Major rhetorical situations such as design, audience, stance, and purpose were succeeded in being met in this short clip which elevated its quality. I will give the trailer of “Rocky” my approval as I feel that it succeeded in meeting its purpose of compelling me to view the whole movie.


My statement about the “Rocky” trailer is intended for an audience who seeks a story about an underdog hoping to defy the odds. I especially want to target people who allow themselves to be taken by the message of the movie and take on a new view upon watching it. That takes me to my purpose for writing this passage. I want to encourage underdogs to watch a convincing story of an overlooked boxer who works hard to compete against the odds. Life can change in the blink of an eye if an opportunity is taken to its fullest potential. Rocky proved to me that going the distance is possible if the right mindset and beliefs are met. As a blogger, I try and inspire my viewers with my voice. I chose to take the time to write about this movie for a reason and I intend to share my thoughts with as many readers as possible. I feel very strongly towards the message of this movie and truly believe in its power to inspire and influence viewers beyond what my words alone can do. Rocky’s story is meant for the underdogs, and so is my blog. I feel obligated to speak and share my thoughts with those who need a little bit more inspiration to change their lives. Watching an uplifting movie trailer might just be the steppingstone needed to make the next leap towards opportunity. 








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